عن المجلة

Isin Journal for Archaeology, History and Ancient Languages (IJAHAL) is a scientific, single-anonymized, peer-reviewed, open-access journal. It publishes papers in Arabic and English languages. It publishes original articles on aspects from the Palaeolithic to the Ottoman periods of Mesopotamia, including ancient archaeology, Islamic archaeology, heritage, ancient history, ancient arts, ancient religions, ancient languages, landscape archaeology, geoarchaeology, bioarchaeology, preservation, excavations and surveys.

The hard-copy versions of the (IJAHAL) were published between 2021 and 2023, but from 2024 onward, it will only be published electronically and online. It is published at the Faculty of Archaeology, the University of Al-Qadisiyah, under the Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research sponsorship.

The journal's name, Isin, was taken from the famous Isin archaeological site in Diwaniah Province, Southern Iraq. Isin was a large Sumerian city that thrived between the fourth and the first Millennium BC.

All submissions to the journal will be subject to peer review from leading experts in the field from inside and outside Iraq. Their impressions and comments will determine the final decision of the paper, whether accepted or rejected. The paperless, electronic submission and evaluation system promotes a rapid turnaround in the peer review process. The routinely uses plagiarism detection software to verify the originality of papers submitted to the journal. Copyright infringement, plagiarism, or other breaches of best practices in publication will be dealt with seriously. Each submitted article is checked with plagiarism-checking software, and any manuscript that exceeds the permissible ratio of plagiarism is rejected.